Thursday, October 21, 2010

Umm-can't think of a title at the moment,LOL

Hey all, I know it's been a few days since I posted anything, real life has had me down a bit. Right now I am sick (allergies actually) so I've been trying to get better. My heads been stuffed up, headache, sneezing, coughing and sore throat, you get the I've just been chillaxin' at home. Finally this morning after taking the kids to school I stopped at the pharmacy and picked up some claritin (doc said it should help), I hate taking meds. I only take them when I have to! So we'll see if it works. Hopefully it does and soon because when I'm suffering from allergies/colds I don't want to do anything. Seriously I get lazy and don't even want to get out of bed,LOL, but it's not really funny, y'know?! Anyways, other than that I have news on my best friends daughter Izabelle,(you remember her from a few posts down?)she's the lil baby whose been battling for her life since she was born (she made it to her 1st birthday in March-which the doctors didn't think she would) well, she's had yet another heart surgery last week and isn't doing too well at the moment so I'm sad and scared for Izzy and her family. The surgery last week was so they could finally fix the hole in her heart, well that surgery went alright but now her heart is beating way too fast so the blood won't flow right, they gave her some meds to try to slow it down and get it to beat/pump regularly but so far it isn't doing what they hoped and they are thinking she may have to go in for another surgery, ugh, I feel so bad for her. I will continue to pray for her and I know it's in Gods hands and he'll take care of her, I know he has big plans for Miss Izabelle for all she's going through she has to be destined for great things! On the lighter side (and digi) I have some more good news. I have joined another creative team! I was checking my emails one day and in one of them I had received a message from a very nice lady who said she had teamed up with another designer and they are now designing together, anyways she said she's seen my stuff around and she liked it and showed it to the other lady -BTW there's a reason why I'm not using names yet ;) and they agreed together they wanted me on their team so I said YES!! I was so flattered and excited. Made me happy for all the icky going on in my life so thanks ladies (you know who you are)! And as soon as I can get my digi life back on track (hopefully in the next day/2) I'll post the name of the new design team and let everyone know where they are selling at. You are gonna have to check em out cuz their stuff is C U T E !! Well that's about it and I'll keep y'all posted on Izzy and all the other stuff as soon as I can. TTYL!

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